How to Launch a


Political Campaign

A step-by-step guide on what to do in the first 30 days of launching a campaign, from filing paperwork to building a team and setting your campaign up for success!

Are you overwhelmed at the prospect of running your own campaign?

Do you spend hours searching the internet for lists that explain the steps you need to win a modern political campaign? Have you tried reading every do-it-yourself campaign management book you can get your hands on only to realize the tips they give you are so specific to their own race and have nothing to do with yours? Or worse…maybe you got advice from a former candidate who never made it over the finish line themself.

Well, I’m glad you’re here, because this course was created for people exactly like you! And you’re exactly like the hundreds of others I’ve taught to run and win their campaigns for local elected office — people who want to take action and make their community a better place.

Candidates for local office don’t have time or resources to waste. They want to do as much on their own as they can, both to learn and understand the process, and to keep costs down. But the fact is, you can’t do it alone.

That’s why I created this course!

Through a series of live and on-demand webinars, templates, personalized instruction, consultation, and group learning, I’m going to remove the confusion from the campaign process and help you overcome every obstacle put in the path to winning your election.

What You Get When You Enroll


Live and On-Demand


Live and recorded sessions which are yours to access forever, with emphasis on primary prep and transitioning to a general election. Additional dedicated Q&A sessions helps solidify lessons before moving to the next topic.

Private Group


Access to the private course forums where you can interact with other members, instructors, and experts. Trade documents and tips, and ask questions that we don’t cover on live webinars.

Document Library


Access to template documents you’ll use to launch your campaign including checklists, workbooks, and a 20+ page campaign plan template which will be your roadmap for the entire campaign.

Campaign Planner


We’ve got the first 30 days of every campaign down to a science. We’ll follow a 4-step process that starts with planning and vote research and progresses through calculating how many votes you need to win and creating a message that will generate funding, volunteers, and advocates.

Learn how to research and plan your campaign the right way. Assess your campaign readiness, fulfill the legal requirements to get on the ballot, and understand every step in the process of winning your election.

Find the list of voters for your district and learn how to calculate the number of votes you need to win your race. 

Define your brand, make it consistent. Learn how to frame the issues that are important to you, and develop a message that resonates with voters.

Learn how to use your message to fundraise and generate volunteers!

When this course is complete, you will:

Taught by an

Elected Official and Campaign Expert

Craig Grella

I’m Craig Grella, your campaign success coach.  I spent nearly two decades running and working on campaigns at every level of office from School Board to President and everything in between. I also spent 4 years directing the marketing efforts for the largest political software provider to members of Congress. During that time, I worked with hundreds of candidates helping them get elected so they can make their communities a better place.  

And I don’t just teach people how to win their campaigns…I also ran my own successful races and spent two terms (8 years) in office as a local city council member in a town of 35,000 people.  I lived the content you’ll find in this course and have put it to work with many successful candidates.

There are no shortcuts to winning, but this course will teach you how to maximize your time so you don’t waste a minute getting caught up in the distractions that await untrained candidates. 

I’m in your corner every step of the way, and if you’re ready to take that leap and make your community a better place, click the button below and let’s get started!

Templates & Documents

Finding Your "Why"

Worksheets to get you in the right mindset, help you connect with the reason you're running, and frame the changes you want to make in your community.

Election Calendar Worksheets

Spreadsheets and calculators to plug-in your state's important election calendar dates, dates when you should complete certain tasks, and the order in which you should focus your planning.

Calculate Your Win Number

A calculator to help you research voters, determine how many votes you need to win, and how to break the vote goals down by district and precincts.

Communication Workbook

A workbook to help you connect with and frame topics that are important to you, develop your own messaging, and create responses to your opponent's talking points.

One-Time Payment...

Lifetime Access

Lifetime access to the all the content and templates valued at over $1,400.

The course starts on Monday, November 11, 2024 with live webinars taking place each day until we wrap on November 22, 2024.

How to Launch a Winning Political Campaign

$ 67
  • Live and On-Demand Webinars
  • Template Documents and Guides
  • Everything you need to start your campaign right!


We certainly want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. We do offer a 3-day refund period for purchases. If the program is not for you, simply show us your work and we’ll issue you a complete refund.

Each lesson comes with a new template and presentation. Additional resource documents from the template library are made available as you progress through the lessons. This is done to make sure you are focusing on what is important in the campaign process at that moment, and not worrying about something that comes weeks down the road.

We will carry over all unanswered questions into our forum discussion before we have the next live webinar. Questions are also answered via email as time is available.