Organize Your Important Nonprofit Website Information with the OrgSpring Passport

Have you ever run into a situation where you need to make a quick change to your website but can\’t find the username or password to your hosting account? Or worse – you can\’t reach the person who designed your site or maybe his or her company even went out of business. If they registered your domain name you might not even be able to access your site without their permission. Crazy right? But true, unfortunately.

That\’s why we created the Website Passport, a way for nonprofits to organize all the important website information like:

  • Domain name registrar usernames and passwords
  • Hosting account usernames and passwords
  • IP address
  • Cpanel logins
  • SSL Certificates
  • Admin credentials
  • and more

We know that turnover in the nonprofit industry is among the highest out there, and the web manager today might not be the web manager tomorrow. We also know that employees at nonprofits wear many hats. Often, we become accidental techies and website managers, even when those things are not included in our skill sets. Without this important information at hand, even making simple edits to your website can become a chore that takes days or even weeks to get straight.

The Website Passport represents the most basic information that you should be tracking on each of your nonprofit websites. At OrgSpring, we use the passport to keep track of our own website information, and we\’ve committed to giving one to each and every nonprofit for which we design or customize a website. Checkout the images below for a sample of what\’s included in the pdf template.





The OrgSpring Website Passport is a quick and easy way to organize your important website username and password information. Download it now!

[purchase_link id=\”3730\” style=\”button\” color=\”orange\” text=\”Download\”]

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