Getting into the Right Mindset to Campaign – Commit to Being Committed

Getting into the Right Mindset to Campaign

As I sit down to write this, I’m reminded of my own journey when I considered running for local office. It was 2016, and after two long years of working on presidential campaigns, I felt like there were still many unresolved issues that our Congress and presidential candidates seemed unable or unwilling to address. I would spend the next 18 months working on campaigns teaching organizations how to engage people and encourage them to take action at the local level and fill the gaps with new laws and policies that Congress wasn’t addressing.

It was at that point I started thinking it might be time for me to practice what I had been preaching and run my own campaign! But, as you can imagine, this was no easy decision. I spent weeks going back and forth in my head about whether or not to run. I had a growing family with young kids that required my time, and if I ran my own campaign, it would mean even more time away from the family.

For many of us, getting into the right mindset for campaigning can be daunting. We may feel overwhelmed by the thought of dealing with people, shaking hands, kissing babies (or in today’s digital age, sending emails and posting on social media). But here’s the thing: politics requires dealing with people. To be effective, you have to know how to motivate people to action, even if you’re not a “people person” – gregarious, outgoing, etc.

So, what can we do to get into the right mindset? Here are some suggestions:

  • Shake off negativity: Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back from achieving your goals. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of running for office – making a difference in your community, inspiring others to take action, etc.
  • Smile: Positivity makes a difference. When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, taking a few deep breaths and putting on my favorite upbeat playlist helps me shift gears. I find just greeting a friend or new acquaintance with a smile can put that relationship on the right path from the start. There are reams of evidence showing that simply smiling when you’re on the phone with someone exudes positivity and can affect the outcome of the conversation. That’s the reason for the saying “smile while you dial.”

But here’s the thing: getting into the right mindset isn’t just about feeling good or avoiding stress. It’s also about being committed to your cause. Make no mistake – you must be committed if you want to inspire others and bring about change.

So, what is the main challenge that’s holding you back from committing to your campaign? Is it time? Money? Lack of understanding what you need to do to win?

Take some critical thought to clear or alleviate those blockers. Don’t worry about solving them in the next hour or even the next day or two. Just acknowledge them and move forward.

For some people, the decision not to run is the right decision. Not running could be a valid answer for a particular person at a particular time in their life. And that’s okay. There’s no shame in determining that now is not the right time. The key is to be honest with yourself about your motivations and priorities.

So, how can you clear those challenges? Here are some suggestions:

  • Define what matters most: What are your core values and principles? How do they align with your campaign goals?
  • Set realistic expectations: Don’t set yourself up for failure by expecting too much in a short amount of time. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Seek support: If you don’t know what you don’t know, surround yourself with people who believe in you and your cause and who have the info you need. To start, checkout the Campaign Readiness Checklist – a carefully crafted set of questions to help you determine and score your readiness to run a winning campaign.

In the end, getting into the right mindset is about being committed to making a difference – not just winning an election. When we focus on what matters most, set realistic expectations, seek support, and clear our minds of negativity, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

So, take some time today to reflect on your own journey. What’s holding you back from committing to your campaign? How will you clear those challenges and get into the right mindset for success?

Remember: it’s not about being perfect; it’s about being committed.

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Are You Ready to Run?

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Time is your most precious resource. Get your campaign started right with the political Campaign Readiness Checklist — 10 topics and 40 questions to help you assess whether you’re ready to launch your political campaign. It’s FREE – download it!